Included on this month╒s Electronic Clipper CD is the Extensis¬ Portfolio¬ Browser. This browser is an upgrade to the Fetch¬ Browser previously included with Electronic Clipper. For more information about the Extensis Portfolio Browser, please read the ╥EC User╒s Guide╙, and the ╥Portfolio 3.0 Browser QSG.pdf╙. Some documentation is provided in Adobe¿ Acrobat format (PDF) which requires the installation of the Adobe Acrobat Reader (see below).
Adobe¿ Acrobat Reader Installation Instructions:
The Adobe¿ Acrobat Reader must be installed on your computer first in order to view any Acrobat (PDF) files.
The installation program for "Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01╙ can be found in the Extensis Portfolio Browser folder. Double-click the Reader 3.01 Installer icon.
Acrobat¿ Reader copyright⌐ 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.